Thursday, November 13, 2014

He Passed!!!!

Shawn passed his boards and is officially a PA!! I know many of you have been praying and fasting for him and I know that he felt those prayers and sacrifices and that he did receive blessings from the Lord, so thank you!!!
Shawn took the test in Salt Lake, so of course we stayed in the Davis Hotel. I just love visiting Elder and Sister Davis, to see where they work and feel the spirit that is on temple square. Monday morning while everyone was gone, Kanyin and I explored temple square and met up with grandpa and grandma for lunch, while Shawn was taking his test.
After Salt Lake, we headed up to Rexburg and stayed with Katie for a few days. We got to meet baby Atlas, who is so so precious. Kanyin loved playing with her cousins and getting to know them. When I would put her to bed at night she would tell me, "Mom...I have fun my cousins." Even though we do miss the east coast, I am so grateful we are closer to family where Kanyin will know her cousins and everyone else. Shawn and I got to go to the temple, which was very needed. Thank you Katie for watching Kanyin so much for us. We also rented a Uhaul trailer and started collecting our things that have been stored at everyone's houses for years! Shawn's beloved table that has been stored in the Dalling's shop is now in our possession (oh boy). Thank you Dallings! We stopped by Pocatello to collect our junk from Dan and Lila and spent the day with them. We made it to Preston late that night and of course had fun with the Palmers and Larsons listening to Jeff's crazy stories.
I just love this family so much and count my blessings that I get to be apart of it.

Here are a few pictures from our visits last week. I didn't get very many.

These girls were hiding in this closet for a long time, patiently waiting for Shawn to get out of the shower to come and find them. 

Look at those cute kids!!

We had about 16 totes of our junk stored in Dan and Lilas attic in their shed. This is Shawn making his way up there.

The latter worked as a great slide to get the totes down.
and a pic of our halloween costumes just for fun. :) 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014

Hi everyone,

I had a great birthday weekend!  Thanks for your calls, gifts and well wishes.  I loved it! We so enjoyed having Mandy, Shane and baby Meg with us Friday night and Saturday.  Because of his foot surgery last Wed., Clair has been somewhat homebound, but he has enjoyed working on his latest family history project.  We finally got him out of the house yesterday and went for a ride up Emmigration Canyon.  The leaves are gone up there, but we are enjoying the beautiful fall colors here in the city.  We also went to lunch at the Lion house.  Thanks for that Shane!  We accomplished a lot in the two days the Dallings were here.  We were finally able to find them a recliner that they could both agree on!  It took a lot of talking to Ashley Furniture, but we got the job done!  Shane was able to go to a Jazz game with his brother Ryan Friday night, and Mandy and I had a nice walk up around the Capitol Sat. morning.  We took the Trax to the Clark Planetarium for an Imax movie on Pandas, but got on the wrong train afterwards and ended up walking several long Salt Lake blocks home. I'm lost around here in the big city without my husband.  I hope you made it to Smith and Edwards Shane.  Thanks so much for coming down; we loved it!

Clair is doing well and will go back to work tomorrow.  I think most of our sick and afflicted missionaries are making progress too.  I guess health problems just go with the territory (getting older).

Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!  The first one was family that came to celebrate Michael's Birthday.  It was after our sealing session in the Salt Lake Temple.  The second is of the Dallings on Sat., Nov. 8th and the 3rd of our missionary, Sabrina Bush in NYC.  If you can't remember how to use this blog, call us or Torrey!  It's a way to journal, which I hope you are all doing.

Love ya,

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Caldwell Palmers

October 12, 2014

Last week, we posted pictures of our trip to Philadelphia.  We didn't have our pictures of the Caldwell Palmers in our folders yet.  I just wanted you to see this cute family.  They are on a family vacation to Disneyland this week.  We love having your families come to stay with us!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hey everyone!  We couldn't figure out how to put the text with the pictures, so they are separate.

We arrived in Philadelphia about 3:30 pm on Shawn's birthday.  I happened to have my name tag on and there were some missionaries and their mission pres. and his wife waiting to welcome their new missionaries.  They saw my tag and we visited a few minutes.  I asked the mission pres. how long he had been serving.  He said a year and a half.  I asked him if he knew the Larson brothers?  He said they sure did - Dallin was his assistant!  I told them we were there for my son's graduation from PA school.  Sister Anderson said, "we've met your son!"  Small world.  Shawn picked us up at the curb and headed for Jenkintown.  For a country boy, he's become quite the city boy!  Kanyin was a little nervous around us at first, but it didn't take her too long to warm up.  We all went to Shawn's "white coat" ceremony that night and then went over to their friend's home for a little birthday party.  They have made some great friends back there, and it was hard for them to part with each other.  The next morning we all went to work, cleaning and packing and all the last minute stuff before they turned the keys over to the landlord around 11:00 a.m.  Shawn had a rehearsal that morning.  Kanyin stayed with friends while Torrey, Clair and I went to the graduation.  It was very impressive.  They had an opening prayer, sang the Star-Spangled Banner and had a closing prayer all in a Jewish Synagogue!
The speakers were great too.  Then it was visiting time, refreshments and saying their goodbyes.

We drove to Philly and stayed in the Day's Inn right down town.  We had chinese that night, got up the next morning and walked and rode the subway to Independence Square, where we went on a tour of Independence Hall and also the Liberty Bell.  We also went to Reading Station, which is a busy, food mall, with yummy donuts and Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches.  We said our goodbyes and found our way on the train to the airport.  Our flight was delayed and kind of rerouted, so we were late getting into L.A., so we missed our flight to SLC.  After a long wait in line, we finally were put up in the Sheraton Hotel right by the airport.  It was probably the nicest hotel we've ever been in, but we were so tired we didn't care.  We had our super expensive breakfast the next morning, caught our flight at 10:00 a.m. and arrived in Salt Lake about 1:00.  We unpacked, freshened up, bought a few groceries and welcomed Travis and Lindsay that night about 9:30.  I hope they enjoyed their Conference weekend.  We sure enjoyed them.  We had a picnic out in our back yard, and we went to the afternoon session of Conf. on Sat.  Travis, Clair and Jaren went to the Priesthood session, and the next morning, all but Kelsey and Dawson had prime seats in the Conference center for Music and the Spoken Word and Conference.  After the Sunday afternoon session, the Palmers packed up and we hosted the Sr. missionaries in our apartment for our monthly dinner together.  Whew!

We received word that the Shawn Palmers made it to Delta, Co. on Monday.  The past two years has been a wonderful adventure for them.  They have traveled and seen so many wonderful sights and met so many good people.  Now we are praying for Shawn to pass his boards the end of this month and to start his new job in Cedar Ridge Colorado in November.

Thanks to both Palmer families for a great week!  Love to all - Mom

Shawn's graduation

Shawn and Torrey's yard

Liberty Bell
Poor kid

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Well, we've pretty much journaled the past three weekends with pictures! First came the family reunion, then work, then Sarah flew in on Sep. 5th, Josie and Jeff came for a Temple tour before their baby comes in 2 or 3 weeks. We got to go to the Lion House for dinner and I enjoyed a Temple session with them at the Salt Lake Temple. On Sat., we went up to Logan to surprise Tom for his 40th Birthday and stayed with Amanda in her new apartment, which she loves - no roommates!(and her new job). Last Sunday Clair, Amanda and Sarah and I drove up to Rexburg for Meg's baby blessing. Shane gave her a beautiful blessing and Mandy bore a beautiful testimony. We enjoyed the rest of their meetings, and I especially enjoyed Primary with Mandy and the kids. I really miss Primary! We gathered at Mandy and Shane's for dinner with Ben and Katie and a host of Dallings. It was a nice day - "a touch of Heaven," with another precious spirit joining our family. Another week of work, a mission conference, and on Friday, we were on the road again - this time to Caldwell for Eliza's baptism. As you can see, she was beautiful, just like an angel - another "touch of Heaven." We got in a little visiting with Travis and Lindsay on Friday night,went for a walk, listened to Jaren, Mason and Eliza play the piano, played a few duets with them, played Old Maid and sang Primary Songs before the Baptism. Afterwards we came back to the Palmers for ice cream sundaes and visiting with Lindsay's parents, her sisters and their families and their neighbor, Billie. It was a quick trip, but a worthwhile one and we loved being there. Sarah has been with us today, as we enjoyed the choir broadcast and church and celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks early. She flies back home to Wisconsin tomorrow evening. (She is bringing a package to the Wisconsin Palmers for me.) Nancy and Steve Godfrey are planning to come for a weekend visit on the 26th of Sep., and we fly to Philadelphia on the 30th (Shawn's birthday) for his graduation on the 1st of October. Travis and Lindsay and family are coming for General Conference that weekend. This mission has been such a blessing. I think that was the reason I agreed to serve here, so that we could see our family. That's just one of the perks. This mission has turned my heart to my family on the other side of the veil, and I am taking several classes to learn how to help them. They are working to get all the Christmas lights up, so that means that the holidays are just around the corner. It will be our last Christmas season on Temple Square, so get your reservations in early! I forgot to wish a Happy Birthday to all our September Birthdays - Isla Atkinson on the 4th, Kimi on the 5th, Dallin Larson and Janie Dalling on the 9th, Torrey on the 13th, Kallie Larson on the 20th, Ben on the 25th, Jessica Larson Atkinson on the 29th, Shawn, and Kalvin Pedersen, on the 30th! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! This blog is a terrific way to do family history. So if you're feeling a little guilty about family history, just post a blog! Love you all, Mom/Grandma/Carolyn

Meg Dalling blessing day

Eliza's baptism

Monday, September 1, 2014

The 2014 Palmer Reunion

First of all, thanks so much to Ben and Katie and Travis and Lindsay for a great family reunion! No matter how simple we try to keep it, it is always a lot of work for the people in charge. Thank you Fryars, for opening up your home, yard and hearts to 64 of us! We started arriving Thurs. night, with others coming Friday morning. The day began with a fun breakfast of "omelets in a baggie." They were so good and so fun! We each cracked however many eggs we wanted into the plastic baggies, added ham, red and green peppers, onions, mushrooms and cheese, squished it all together and dropped our bags into a pot of boiling water, cooked for 10 minutes or so and "wahlaa"- we had a delicious omelet, served with various muffins and milk - great fun! The highlight of the morning was "Red Rover" with Grandma. I have threatened everyone that I better not hear of those pictures and videos being on Youtube or Facebook! I kind of did a "stop, drop and roll," (without the stop), but much to my physical therapist son's surprise, I did not break anything, but he would not let me ride horses the next day. (killjoy) I think my kids all think I'm getting old or something? Then the treasure hunt began, with a trip to Porter Park, where each family spent some time making family pyramids (see the pics), then over to the old carousel, where the grandkids had two glorious rides, with some cotton candy to boot! Next came a picnic lunch and a little rest under the pavilion before getting our next "clue." We headed for the stadium and track at BYU-I, ran a few races and found some shade by the Hart building, where the six couples who met at BYU-I shared their memories of meeting there, including Mat and Shawn, via the phone. I think the grandkids really enjoyed hearing those memories. I can't exactly remember where Kris told the stories of our little Shetland Cindy and the family's adventures on that fat little Shetland pony, but her memories sure brought back mine as well. The last clue took us up to the Rexburg Temple, and Katie had the Primary age kids all come forward and sing "The Family is of God." What a sight and sound - angels in our midst. Grandma talked briefly about "following the sun - and the Son," and bore testimony that the Temple, the Savior and Families are what it's all about. Grandpa Clair got us all rounded up for pictures with the Temple as the backdrop. Then we were free to go back to Katie's or wander, or nap or whatever until dinner, with barbequed chicken sandwiches, salads, chips and desserts and "skit charades," where each family acted out a memory and then the dad or mom told the story afterwards. What a hit! I think we were all tired and ready for bed that night, but you know how kids are, and after they were all tucked in their tents, the giggling began! Travis and Lindsay were the brave parents that slept out with all the kids (bless them). The rest of us had comfortable beds, thanks to Ben and Katie and their dear neighbors across the street. The next morning at 6:30, I heard the giggling again and then a man's voice yelling at them, and I thought, "oh no- the neighbors are mad!" I was glad to learn later that it was just Travis. They sure have great and patient neighbors! After a quick and simple breakfast of cold cereal, everyone headed to Mandy and Shane's for a morning of Horseback riding. Thank you Shane and Dustin Nelson (Karley's neat husband) for helping the kids to "live the dream!" I think those three horses finally rebelled after a couple of hours of walking, trotting, loping and running around the rodeo arena. Check out our 3 Rodeo Queens giving their Queen salute. Then it was on to Katie's church for an afternoon of Pizza, candy, games and dancing. It was so fun to see all those kids bonding with each other! We also had a little "side reunion" with Karen Smedley and Kari and Lindi and Kari's 4 little ones who joined us there. Sari, Shad, Maggie and Ellie were a little shy at first, but it didn't take them long to join in the fun. At Grandma's request, Quincy did her cheerleading gymnastics, and at Josie's request, Grandma and her 5 daughters sang "Green Door." Some of the teens did their lip syncing act to Michael's music. Thank you Michael for bringing your music. Katie and I went to pick up the hoagies from BYU-I catering, and we all congregated back at Ben and Katie's for visiting and playing and eating - again! Folks started pulling out around 7:00 or so, and we finally got the house kind of put back together, kids bathed and tucked in, the church was all clean and we got some sleep. Poor little orphan, Walker, got left behind, as he had taken a nap down in Katie's basement, so he ended up having to get up the next morning at 5:30 to head for Preston with G&G at 6:00. I meant to tell the Fryars and Dallings that if Mitt Romney's wife could put her kids to bed in their Sunday clothes, so could they, but I forgot. Somehow, we all made it to Kaden's "non-farewell" at 9:00 yesterday morning. Kaden was a very humble young man, and gave a fine talk and is going to be a great missionary. He leaves for the MTC on Sep. 10. Jen and Troy fed quite the crowd, but they're getting really good at it! I had prayed for good weather, for happy times, for the spirit to be there with us, and I so appreciate the Lord answering my prayers. We missed the Mat Palmers and the Shawn Palmers, but Kris and Mat are in charge of our next big reunion in 2016, so we'll look forward to them being there then. We had a little meeting and decided that whoever wants to come each July to the Palmer Reunion over at Grandma Palmer's house is welcome to do so. I will provide the Rodeo tickets and a place to stay, so make sure to make your reservations for "Hotel Davis" in advance! I am shooting for an adult reunion each year as well. I will let you know about that later. That may be during the winter months when we are having "the blahs." I love you all, and once again ask you to love and pray for and stay in touch with each other. Mom/Grandma