Monday, June 10, 2013

Well here we are - the day after the "adult reunion."  After months of thinking and planning and arranging, it was all worth it.  I appreciate all of you and all your thinking and planning and arranging so you could be there.  It was fun to be with you at Lagoon, especially on "Rattlesnake Rapids."  The Colussus - not so much!  I couldn't stop crying in the Temple.  I know that many of you could not stay awake after our late night the night before, but just being in the same Temple with all of you and with Abbie receiving her Endowment made me so grateful - grateful that all of my children and their spouses are all temple worthy and hold recommends and are working so hard to raise your children to be the same.  It really was heavenly to me, and try as I might, I just could not hold back the tears.  I loved just sitting and visiting and laughing and watching you interact with each other.  For those who could go, I think they enjoyed "Music and the Spoken Word."  The chapel where we attended Sacrament Meeting in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building is the same chapel that Clair and I will attend when we are on our mission   I don't know about you, but I felt the love that we all have for each other and the spirit was there.  I felt that the reunion accomplished what I hoped it would; it brought us closer as a family.

As I said, I do hope that you will remember to pray for each other, to stay in touch (even through this family blog), to come and see us in Salt Lake and to save your money for the next time we have an "adult reunion,"

Travis and Katie, we are all willing to do whatever you need us to for next year's BIG reunion!  I know that it's not easy getting 70 (and by next year maybe more?) together, but it's worth the work to make the memories!

Josie, I loved your latest blog, and I'm so proud that you are finishing up your degree, and I learned a lot from you.  I'm glad you wrote the poem out.  Otherwise, I would not have understood a thing that girl said!

Congratulations to Karley for sending in her mission papers! We'll be excited to learn where you are going.  Good luck to Brendan in Alaska.  Good luck with the finishing touches on the wedding plans Amy and Michael.  We will see you a week from this Friday in Manti.  Good luck Jen and Troy with the last preparations for Daniel's "non-farewell" on the 23rd and getting ready to take him to the MTC in a couple of weeks.  Mat and Jill and family, we are looking forward to your visit in about 3 weeks.  It's party time around here til Aug. 2 when we take off for Salt Lake!  We'll let you know when our "non-farewell is."  Maybe they don't have them for 3rd time Sr's?

Please give a big thank you to all those who tended 40 grandchildren while we had fun.  Without them, none of that would have been possible.

I'm no good at posting pictures, so I'm counting on all of you to do that!  Know that I love you all so very much.


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